An interior is a natural projection of the soul
-Coco Chanel
I completely, totally procrastinated creating my Holiday Blog post this year. Now, that could be interpreted as a bad way to start 2018, but frankly, I think it’s a great start! I waited, with thoughtful reflection about what to share with others, I consciously put people before things by focusing on my family first this holiday season, and--I enjoyed some much-needed down time to nurse this nasty flu going around. Cough, cough...
This year, I decided, will be lived with intention. This isn't a New Year's resolution. Its a conviction I have felt for months and have been quietly been putting into practice. But now, I am proclaiming loudly, in print, and with you, as witnesses (maybe to keep me on track?) that I choose different things this year. I choose to go deeper into my convictions of quality over quantity. I choose to nurture personal relationships and place digital interaction where it belongs, secondary to my living, breathing companions. Multi-tasking will only be done as a necessity. I will relish what was previously tedious. Okay, maybe not, but I will try to put on a happy, grateful face as I do the dreaded laundry. I will give thanks for what I have.
How does this tie into interior design? Deeply. Very deeply. It is my personal belief that interior design is a reflection of the soul. Right now, my own living room on first glance says I'm a cluttered, disjointed mess. But look deeper. I see love in the half-completed 1000-piece puzzle, No, we probably won’t finish it, but it served its purpose. It pulled together generations as we shared a common goal for just a few hours. I will say a little prayer of gratitude when I pack it up and send it off to Savers. We won't open it again, so why store it? Let another family enjoy the positive energy my family invested. One of my favorite design clients had a saying that left an indelible mark on my soul, "everything has a place, it just may not be with you" I have already started "right-sizing" my life. Releasing objects that no longer spark joy. Yes, this is the popular KonMari method so many people are trying out this year. But truthfully, it isn't new. We have always known on some level that our homes and possessions have energy that either feed us or suck us dry with obligation. I'm personally tired of being the designated keeper of things. So, off they go to bless others. The real trick here will be to only ADD things that bring great joy and purpose.
This may sound a little "woo-woo" to you. And that's okay. If my message doesn't resonate with you, I wish you peace and love in your every venture. If this does touch your heart, please join me here in this space over the next year. 2018 is the year of intention and I am very grateful for your attention and interest. Please, message me and let's have coffee in real life. If you aren't Kansas City local, follow on Facebook and let me know your thoughts!