by RLP interiors
This is a printable, instructional pattern with step-by-step instructions. Two sizes are included, large which fits most adult males and medium fits most adult women. Elastic ear straps provide a secure, comfortable fit.
This pattern version is fitted across the bridge of the nose. In sample tests, wearers did not experience glasses fogging up, however the fit around your nose may be different. Feel free to adjust and personalize to suit your needs.
Also, this mask version uses a minimal amount of elastic, which is in short supply. Tie straps may be substituted for elastic as needed or preferred.
Since last spring I have had some great feedback regarding this FREE mask download! Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Check the scale of your printer! Your printer may not print the pattern to scale resulting in a pattern that is too small.
The pattern image on the download is an image for you to replicate on your own paper or cardboard, making it adjustable for your face.
When using the recommended quilter’s cotton or batik, be sure to wash and dry a few times prior to cutting the fabric and elastic. That will help with potential shrinkage issues.
Use the guideline for the amount of elastic as a GUIDELINE. While faces are pretty uniformly sizable - ear placement varies enormously! You may need more or less elastic depending on where your ears are located.
I’ve make literally hundreds of these masks since spring and they are simple and quick to construct. Here is the LIVE Facebook video I made showing how easy it is to do!
While you’re here…
I publish a quarterly digital magazine that has great Interior Design trends, industry insider information, favorite new products and yes…some easy DIY projects for people who don’t have time to DIY.